EO Readme
Start your environment by clicking Start Lab above.
The environment should begin to load immediately as indicated by the Vocareum loading symbol. Please do not click Start Lab again. It may take a few mintues for the Fusion environment to fully display.
- When the Fusion Login page displays, login:
- USERNAME: admin
- PASSWORD: password123
In this scenario, you will configure the Optimizer Dashboard to try out what you've learned.
You will practice solving everyday problems including:
- Boosting, burying, blocking, and pinning documents
- Publishing changes
If you get stuck, we have provided helpful details to keep you moving.
Hints provide helpful clues regarding the appropriate task to perform.
Solution Steps walk you through step by step instructions, detailing how to complete the task.
Optimizer Dashboard
Click the Rules icon on the left navigation panel. Select the app Site Search.
- Navigate to the Optimizer dashboard to begin.
As the Knowledge Manager for Lucidworks, your first task is to navigate to your Optimizer Dashboard from the Fusion Admin UI. You then need to begin a task to start editing your catalog. How can you do this?
Solution Steps
- Click Start Task in the upper right corner of the dashboard
- After reviewing the signals data, the video Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning: What's the Difference? - Lucidworks is trending. You want to make sure it is the first thing users see when they are looking up information on machine learning. How do you get this document to position 1?
- Pin the document to the first position so that it will always occupy that spot
Solution Steps
Search the term
machine learning
Find the document
Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning: What's the Difference? - Lucidworks
Hover your mouse over the document and updated the Position text to
to ensure it occupies that spot
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear in the lower right side of your screen.
- The article California Data Processing Agreement is no longer relevant and has outdated information. You want to remove it from you catalog of documents entirely. How can you do this so the document no longer displays on any page in your catalog?
- Block the document so that it is removed from your catalog
Solution Steps
California Data Processing Agreement
Hover your mouse over the document
Move your mouse to hover over Actions and click Block
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear in the lower right side of your screen.
- You've recently noticed that New Survey: State of user Service 2021 - Lucidworks isn't branded properly for your organization and you want to ensure it get's done prior to users viewing the content. You don't want to remove it from your list of articles, but you do want to push it towards to bottom of your catalog. How can you resolve this issue so the document displays towards the bottom of your catalog?
- Bury the document so that it occupies a position towards the bottom of your catalog
Solution Steps
New Survey: State of user Service 2021 - Lucidworks
Hover your mouse over the document
Move your mouse to hover over Actions and click Bury
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear in the lower right side of your screen.
- Your new product, Smart Answers, is trending and you want to showcase any informative articles about it. Specifically, you have a great article titled How to Use Smart Answers for Product Discovery. You'd like to ensure this document displays towards the top of your catalog when a user is searching for Smart Answers so that you can promote great use cases. How can you ensure this document will display towards the top of your catalog?
- Boost the document so that it occupies a spot towards the top of your catalog
Solution Steps
Smart Answers
Hover your mouse over How to Use Smart Answers for Product Discovery
Move your mouse to hover over Actions and click Boost
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear in the lower right side of your screen.
- Now that you've completed all of your tasks for the day, you need them to go live for users. How can you make sure these changes display to your users?
Solution Steps
- Click Publish in the upper right corner of the dashboard
Congratulations! You have completed the walkthrough of Exploring the Optimizer Dashboard. Click 'Next' in the lower right corner to continue through the course.
Start your environment by clicking Start Lab above.
The environment should begin to load immediately as indicated by the Vocareum loading symbol. Please do not click Start Lab again. It may take a few mintues for the Fusion environment to fully display.
- When the Fusion Login page displays, login:
- USERNAME: admin
- PASSWORD: password123
In this scenario, you will explore the Templates Dashboard to try out what you've learned.
You will practice solving everyday problems including:
- Exploring Templates
- Configuring Zones
If you get stuck, we have provided helpful details to keep you moving.
Hints provide helpful clues regarding the appropriate task to perform.
Solution Steps walk you through step by step instructions, detailing how to complete the task.
Optimizer Dashboard
Click the Rules icon on the left navigation panel. Select the app Site Search.
- Navigate to the Templates dashboard to begin.
Employees have requsted a Trending Articles zone on the Search Results page that will allow them to see what documents are the most popular at that time. In order to do this you'll need to edit the template to add a new zone. How can you begin?
- Add a new Zone to the Search Results template within the landing template category
Solution Steps
Expand landing
Click Search Results
Click + New in the Zones section.
- You want to call this Zone Trending Articles so that you can differentiate it from the existing zones in your account. You'd like documents to display as a results list and you need the documents to be pulled from the sitesearch2 query profile that your search engineers have created for you. What steps can you take to begin configuring this zone?
- Assign the zone a Display Name, Type, and associate it to a Query Profile.
Solution Steps
Trending Articles
Ensure that
is selected as the TYPE -
Click the QUERY PROFILE drop down list and select sitesearch2 as the associated query profile
Click Next Step to move to Step 2
- In order to make this zone stand out from the main results list, you decide to have the results displayed as list of articles. Additionally, You want your display fields to have the article nameX_s, descripion, and image on each grid tile. How will you configure this?
- Configure the Results Layout and Display Fields for this zone.
Solution Steps
Ensure that
is selected as the RESULTS LAYOUT -
in the Field Name for the Title Field Display -
in the Field Name for the Image Field Display -
in the Field Name for the Description Field Display -
Click Save in the New Zone window.
You want Trending Articles to display above the Main Results Zone. To rearrange the zones, click the arrows directly next to Trending Articles and drag the zone above the Main Results Zone. Click Save.
Notice that your template goes into the Stale state. You want to preview your template before you publish it to your end users. Where can you do this?
- Visit the Optimizer Dashboard
Solution Steps
- Click the Optimizer icon see the template in action.
- Now that everything looks good, you are ready to publish. How can you pulish this template so that your users will see the new zone?
- Return to the Templates dashboard to publish.
Solution Steps
Click the Templates icon.
Open the Search Results template
Click Publish, then click Confirm and Publish
Congratulations! You have completed the walkthrough of Exploring the Templates Dashboard. Click 'Next' in the lower right corner to continue through the course.
Start your environment by clicking Start Lab above.
The environment should begin to load immediately as indicated by the Vocareum loading symbol. Please do not click Start Lab again. It may take a few mintues for the Fusion environment to fully display.
- When the Fusion Login page displays, login:
- USERNAME: admin
- PASSWORD: password123
Using real world scenarios, you will create and manage Search Rewrites and Rules using Experience Optimizer.
You will practice solving everyday problems including:
- Applying misspelling detection, phrase detection, synonym detection, and head/tail
- Creating and editing rewrites and rules from their respective dashboards
If you get stuck, we have provided helpful details to keep you moving.
Hints provide helpful clues regarding the appropriate task to perform.
Solution Steps walk you through step by step instructions, detailing how to complete the task.
Merhandiser Dashboard
Click the Rules icon on the left navigation panel. Select the app Site Search.
- Navigate to the Optimizer dashboard to begin.
After looking through some data, you have underperforming queries you need to resolve. Begin a task to start editing your catalog.
Solution Steps
- Click Start Task in the upper right corner of the dashboard
Synonym Detection
- You've recently noticed that when users search for data science, it returns different results than if a user were to search for data analytics. You and your team have decided that if a user searches either term, you want both results lists to display. What can you do so that a user will see results for data analytics or data science whenever they search either term?
- Use the search rewrite Synonym Detection
Solution Steps
data analytics
and click the blue plus icon to add a rewrite. If you don't immediately see the icon, hover your mouse over the search box. -
From the list of search rewrite options, select Synonym
Choose the direction of symmetric
data science
in the Synonym Mappings field -
Click the Save button
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear at the top of the screen indicating the rewrite has fired.
Misspelling Detection
- A lot of users seem to be searching for Fusoin, but aren't getting the results returned that they want because the product is actually spelled Fusion. How can you resolve this spelling error?
- Use the search rewrite Misspelling Detection
Solution Steps
(the incorrect term) and click the blue plus icon to add a rewrite. If you don't immediately see the icon, hover your mouse over the search box. -
From the list of search rewrite options, select Misspelling
in the Corrected Term field -
Click the Save button
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear at the top of the screen indicating the rewrite has fired.
Phrase Detection
- Your signals data indicates that users are having a hard time finding articles about artificial intelligence within your database. You wonder if it's because the system isn't recognizing the two words go together. What can you do to ensure the system sees the two words as phrase?
- Use the search rewrite Phrase Detection
Solution Steps
artificial intelligence
and click the blue plus icon to add a rewrite. If you don't immediately see the icon, hover your mouse over the search box. -
From the list of search rewrite options, select Phrase
Enter the number
in the phrase Word Count field -
Click the Save button
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear at the top of the screen indicating the rewrite has fired.
Head/Tail Analysis
- Some of your data is indicating that when customers search AI powered search initiatives within your inventory, the return results are less than ideal . You wonder if it's because the system isn't returning the best results to the user. You want to ensure that when this term is searched, the query results represent a better performing query of the same or similar documents. Can you rewrite this so that the returned results represent a better performing query?
- Use the search rewrite Head/Tail
Solution Steps
AI powered search initiatives
and click the blue plus icon to add a rewrite. If you don't immediately see the icon, hover your mouse over the search box. -
From the list of search rewrite options, select Head/Tail
AI powered search
in the Improved Query field -
Click the Save button
The action should immediately take place and a confirmation dialogue box should appear at the top of the screen indicating the rewrite has fired.
Rewrites Dashboard
- Now that you have set up rewrites from the Optimizer Dashboard, it's time to view them all in a list that you can export or edit. How do we navigate there?
- Click on the Rewrites dashboard icon
- You realized there's one more rewrite you need to include in your list of edits. users on more than one occasion have made the typo *smartanswers when searching for Smart Answers documents. You want to ensure they are able to view all Smart Answers documents even when they accidently spell it wrong. How can you create a rewrite to make sure the returned results reflect the correctly spelled manufacturer?
- Use the search rewrite Misspelling Detection
Solution Steps
Click the Misspelling tab
Click Add
Enter in
in the Misspelling -
smart answers
as the suggested Correction -
Click enter/return on your keyboard
Click the check to save this rewrite to your list
Rules Dashboard
- Now let's visit the Rules Dashboard. How do we navigate there?
- Click on the Rules dashboard icon
- You need to make an edit to an existing rule in your account. An additional article, Gartner Critical Capabilities for Insight Engines, should be added to the Gartner Pinned Items rule so that it occupies the 1st position in the results list. You want to ensure these documents occupy fixed positions when users search Gartner. How can you edit a rule to make sure the returned results reflect the desired positions?
- Add another product to the existing pinned rule
Solution Steps
Hover your mosue over the rule Gartner Pinned Items
Click the pencil edit icon
Click the + ADD button next to the PINNED DOCUMENTS section
as the VALUE -
as the POSITION -
Click the Save to save the updates to the rule
Congratulations! You have completed the walkthrough of Exploring the Rewrites and Rules Manager. Click 'Next' in the lower right corner to continue through the course.